Aghada GAA Club

Founded 1885

Co. Cork

Recent Articles

Recent Aghada GAA Club news and info

Juvenile Hurling & Football Notes wk18

Aghada GAA Juvenile News Hi folks, I hope ye are all well in this very unseasonable weather, t...

June 24th Newsletter / JAFC Round 1

A Chara,Tá súil agam go raibh seachtain dheas agaibh.Tuesday, we had the longest day of the ye...

Juvenile Hurling & Football Notes wk17

Aghada GAA Juvenile NewsHi folks, what is around the next corner if only we knew…. Then we w...

Juvenile Hurling & Football Notes wk16

Aghada GAA Juvenile NewsHi folks, hope this newsletter finds you well, we are all daring to ...

Juvenile Hurling & Football Notes wk15

Aghada GAA Juvenile News Hi folks, children all over Ireland were going to bed last Sunday nig...

June Bank Holiday Newsletter

A Chara,Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh go léir ag baint taitneamh as an aimsir agus go bhfuil sib...

Juvenile Hurling & Football Notes wk14

Aghada GAA Juvenile NewsHi folks, hope you all enjoyed the glorious sunshine of last weekend...

May Newsletter / Club Projects

A Chara,Tá súil agam go bhfuil gach duine go maith agus ag tnúth go mór leis an samhradh lán l...

Juvenile Hurling & Football Notes wk13

Aghada Juvenile GAA News Hi folks hope all is well, the club would like to thank Bernard Alcoc...

Corks Red FM Division 3 Intermediate Hurling League Vs Russell Rovers Match Report

Corks Red FM Division 3 Intermediate Hurling LeagueAghada 0-22Russell Rovers 0-20Our intermed...

Premier Intermediate / Junior League Match Reports

Cork Credit Union’s Division 2 Premier Intermediate Football LeagueAghada 3-12Aghabullogue 2-1...

Juvenile Hurling & Football Notes wk12

Aghada GAA Juvenile News Hi folks I hope this Newsletter finds you well, after a long wait the...

Juvenile Hurling & Football Notes wk11

Aghada Juvenile GAA NewsHi folks, hope the world is treating you well, the exciting project ...

Aghada GAA Coffee Shop

Our brand new club coffee shop is on its way. Massive work has gone into this project over th...

Aghada GAA School Coaching

A Chara,I hope you all are well and are enjoying the great weather. With the schools back in...

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